The last couple of weeks have been very hectic, getting new carpet through out the house, laminate flooring in the Stampin' Studio and trying to put everything back together again. I must say it was quite a hassle having to get all of the stuff out of the way in less than 2 days and then trying to get all back in was an incentive to get organized.
To see what the Studio looked like before check this out from a few years ago look here:
Although, the Studio has been transformed many times as I tried to get more and more organized as I expanded my "hobby" I think I have got it down now. So, here is quick tour of the Studio (it in the bonus room over our garage, the pics give an optical illusion that the walls go higher than they are, they are slanted toward the ceiling) So lets begin a quick tour around, please try to get a peek at the floor through out the pics:
This is my crafting desk. I have organized it so everything is at my finger tips from the ink pads to my basic papers and markers. I try to work at this desk rather than the tables in the room for clubs, because I get too spread out and make too many trips to the drawers for what I think I need.
This is one corner of the room where I store the current Stampin' Up! sets and in the bottom of the cabinet I store retired and current Holiday sets. Also, to the right is my punch storage... and let me tell you it is very securely mounted on the wall. I had a mishap a few months ago when I was putting a punch away and the whole thing fell off the wall.... punches landing on my toes so I backed up into the tall cabinet and at that time I had all my background stamps on top of the cabinet. Needless, to say I got "beaned" on the head from falling huge wood blocks... had lumps on my head for a week, ouch! The punches are reflecting on the wall giving it a mirror look.

This next picture is of the other side of the window and is where I store my retired sets that I just can't part with. You can also see the the second side of my "Shelve of Fame" display above the window, it holds a few things given to me by my SIL (who is also a SU! Demo), friends and some of my favorite creations and things.
Oh ya, that flash in the eyes dog, is my daughter's dog, Louie, one of my Stampin' buddies, I have 2 greyhounds who round out "The 3-dog-a-teers" that keep me company.
Here is a long view across my tables to the Northern corner of the room, with my card rack that I use to hold my SteamPunk cards.
Another view of the tables and showing off many of the cards I have made and recieved. Also, a sign welcoming the hostess of our monthly club.
This picture shows the other end of table and card wall.
This picture shows my storage for all my current and retired card stock, retired stamp pads and my music. No TV in the room to distract me but music to lift me up.
The small door is goes into an attic storage. I will not show you what is in there as it is far from organized and way scary :)
This what I call "our" business desk to the right is all the paperwork for the Stampin' Up! business and other annual paper work I need to reconcile at the end of the year for taxes. The left hand drawers contain new and retired Designer Paper/ 12x12 card stock.
This desk was my GrandMa's and her favorite place to sit and send letters/cards on almost a weekly basis to those she loved. The stickers on the light-bridge are the ones she put there years ago. Sorry for the fuzzy pic.
This picture shows my Big Shot "station" with all my dies, Embossing Folders and accessories in the drawers below. There is also my favorite cutter, and the drawers below store my other cutter systems, grid paper, pens, chalks, watercolor crayons, etc. Another blurry picture, camera battery running out or rushing to get the pics done.
Here is a full length pic of the room, but no matter if I had lights on or off... camera flash on or off, I could not get a good picture they all turned out dark. I hope you get the gest of all the the transformation of this room... but the best thing for me is easy Glitter, Embossing Powder, dust bunnies and dog fur clean up ~~~ awesome!
Thanks for letting me do some Yappin' about Stampin' with you.