Maybe it is the long agonizing waiting for the weekend the work week before or just because I put way too much on my to do list for my time off!
Well, that usually my MO for regular weekends anyway. What happened this weekend was the same except I only got one thing on that list and it was to make a Baby Shower card. It turned out adorable, I think, but I can't show it to you until later in the week until I know it has been received by the recipient.
So, I will share with you what the rest of my weekend consisted of. I may not seem to anyone but me exciting, but it was to me. I was inspired by my friends and family talking about what they are doing with all the summer harvests.
I made a stop at the local Farmer's Market and came home with late season delicious Strawberries, plump juicy Blueberries to compliment the "organic" Blackberries I picked on some of the acreage where I work. Ok, now to get serious about, at my age, to check how awesome it would be to finally make some jam. Luckily, my daughter wanted to help!
So here is what we made:
First a big mess! This is the mildest mess here.
Here is the finished project after some "CLEANING" up, berries are really nature's dye, you should just see my fingers! There was acutally 12 jars but one didn't seal, sooo it was eating ready :)
This is a pic I just had to take for the fun of it, it would have been "cuter" if it had a white and red checked cloth instead of dishtowel and a clearer pic! Or even cuter if I had labels and they had been decorated with Perfectly Peserved Stamp Set/Dies from the Holiday catalog.

Purchase the Perfect Peserves Stamp Set and the Cannery Set Framelits Dies together. Priced to save you 15%! Ask me how.
The jam is a mixed berry jam with a touch of Rosemary to tie all the flavors together. An ingredient I wasn't sure about using, since I was experimenting on the my first endeavor of jam making ~~ what the heck ~~ good decision (based on a different recipe I had seen).... Yum!
So, to move my berry adventure even further I made these Mini Galettes for a family get-together.
Everyone always makes such wonderful things to bring, so rather than bring the usual corn, etc. I tried a recipe I found when I was researching Jam making sites on the web. There are so many I chose one that sounded good with less baking time, plus I used premade curst (shameful, I know, but so much easier in a time crunch).
This receipe calls for fresh fruit of any kind, some corn starch, nutmeg, cinnamon, egg wash, regular sugar and Turbinado sugar. Since there was so much sugar (naturally and from the refined sugar) I used some Setiva raw sugar subsitute for sprinkling on the top. This wonderful tidbits are to be served a room temp. I only wish I had taken some Vanilla Bean Ice Cream to top them off.
Thanks checking out my blog and my non-Yappin' about Stampin!